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AACC is committed to helping students achieve their educational goals. In fact, we made completion the theme of our strategic plan. With every move we make we ask how this can help students achieve academic excellence and remain engaged with their own goals.

Engagement Matters II - Excellence through Innovation



With learning as its central mission, Anne Arundel Community College responds to the needs of our diverse community by offering high quality, affordable, accessible and innovative lifelong learning opportunities.


  • Community and Relationships
  • Opportunity
  • Positivity
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Equity and Inclusion


Engagement and Entry

Increase engagement with students, employees and community.

Progress and Growth

Increase progress, growth and connection of students and employees.

Retention and Completion

Increase retention and completion of all students.



Ensure that every interaction contributes to a high-quality education.

  • Establish collegewide expectations for employee interactions with students and one another.
  • Use high-quality educational practices and learning to improve student success and eradicate systemic inequalities.
  • Develop and implement practices that enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, antiracism and accessibility.


Create an antiracist and equitable culture of engagement where each member of the college community is committed to providing high-quality student and employee experiences.

  • Enhance decision-making, equity and shared governance processes.
  • Collaborate with community stakeholders to prepare students to succeed and address the needs of our local economy and community.
  • Implement a strategic enrollment and retention structure.


Innovate to ensure equity in college systems and practices to provide positive student and employee experiences.

  • Develop and implement new educational initiatives that anticipate the needs of an evolving student population.
  • Build frictionless services and programming to help improve the overall student, faculty and staff experiences.


Allocate resources in support of the college mission in responsible, sustainable, antiracist, and equitable ways.

  • Assess institutional structures and processes for relevancy and efficiency.
  • Engage in strategic resource development to grow new private and public investment in innovative practices and student support.

Key Performance Indicators

Goal: Engagement and Entry

  • Market share of recent, college-bound public high school graduates
  • Market share of first-time, full-time freshmen
  • Market share of part-time freshmen
  • Dual enrollment 
  • Enrollment in online courses

Goal: Progress and Growth

  • Completion Developmental Requirements (by student characteristics)
  • First-time students that earn 15+ credits in Year 1
  • Gateway Math courses in Year 1      
  • Gateway English courses in Year 1

Goal: Retention and Completion

  • Fall-to-Fall Retention (by student characteristics)
  • Persistence Rate (by student characteristics)
  • Associate Degrees awarded 
  • Credit Certificates awarded   
  • Gainful Employment non-credit workforce credentials awarded
  • 150% Graduation Rate (by student characteristics)
  • 200% Graduation Rate (by student characteristics)

Objective: Excellence

  • Overall credit course success rate (by student characteristics)       
  • Licensure/certification examination pass rate
  • Student Learning Outcomes Met Target: Program Assessment  
  • Student Learning Outcomes Met Target: Highly Enrolled and/or General Education Courses
  • Online courses that model QCAR standards
  • Transfer after 1 year graduation        
  • Credit FTE
  • Credit Headcount
  • Non-credit FTE

Objective: Engagement

  • CCSSE Comprehensive Score on Support for Learning
  • Student participation in high impact practices
  • Course sections with supplemental instruction
  • Course Success Rate after interim grade date
  • Employees enrolled in professional development classes
  • Comprehensive score on employee engagement

Objective: Innovation

  • Number of noncredit distance education courses
  • Number of credit distance education courses
  • Enrollment in contract training courses
  • Enrollment in CEWD leading to government or industry-required certified or licensure
  • Number of distance education degree or certificate programs

Objective: Resources

  • Net revenue generated by college operations
  • Dollars raised for support of college programs and scholarships
  • Bond ratings   
  • Return on net assets ratio

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Strategic Plan

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